#112: Marta Miller - How Armed Peruvian Guards Inspired a LA Clothing Factory | The Fashion Series


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Episode Description

Do you know where your passion lies? Do you know where your life could possibly take you when you follow your heart’s calling? In this episode, we have Marta Miller, founder of Lefty Production Company, talking about her journey from a medical student to a fashion producer. Her resilience brought her through the darkness of the recession and the difficulties of producing in the midst of the pandemic. Marta trusted her guts and always came up with things on the go, and it’s exactly this piece of creativity that sparked her and inspired her to live with the company that she has now.

Marta’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marta-miller-977a24129/

Lefty Production Co. Website: https://www.leftyproductionco.com/about

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