#67: Frederick Hutson - How a $22M Drug Operation 🍁 Started with the Air Force πŸŽ–οΈ and Led to a Venture Backed Startup πŸ’° | The Drug Dealers Series πŸ’Š (Part 4 of 4β€ͺ)‬


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Episode Description

In the next episode of this series, we sit down with Frederick Hutson, founder of Pigeonly, a platform that helps people connect with incarcerated loved ones. Of course, such an idea was not created without due experience.

Growing up around the world of drugs, Frederick knew that the biggest money makers in town were drug dealers. However, Frederick did not turn out to be your average drug dealer, and was averse to the destruction hard drugs brought to communities. Instead, he helped grow an underground marijuana trade to move 22 million dollars per year. His knack for fine-tuning and calibrating a business ended up taking him much farther than he ever anticipated.

Join us as we learn how Frederick’s journey through culture shock, intense contemplation, and a desire to problem-solve led him to founding Pigeonly.

Show Notes

  • Brooklyn Born: Frederick grows up in a tight-knit community in Brooklyn, raised by his single mother. Even at this early age, drug use clearly pervaded his community.

  • Florida: When Frederick has to move with his family to Florida, he finds new people to look up to: drug dealers.

  • The Entrepreneurial Mindset: While Frederick’s first few ventures into drug dealing and a normal job didn’t go quite as he wanted, he starts to understand and learn his true strengths as a problem-solver.

  • Air Force: Following the footsteps of a respected family member, Frederick joins the air force. However, coincidences keep him tied to connections from Florida.

  • Owning a Business: Frederick faces extreme gains and losses when he starts his own businesses.

  • The Weed Business: While helping out some connections he knew, Frederick uses his problem solving skills to run an illegal drug shipping trade like a proper multimillion dollar business.

  • Flying High: With more money than he could possibly imagine, Frederick find himself in intense chaos with no easy fix.

  • Locked Away: After ending up behind bars from the marijuana trade, Frederick learns there are two types of people in prison.

  • Pigeonly Takes Off: Frederick creates a solution that solves the isolation many prisoners experience from the outside world.

  • Flying Forward: Frederick shares where Pigeonly is today and the lessons he’s learned through all his experiences.

Links From the Episode

Long-Term Recidivism Studies Show High Arrest Rates: https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/news/2019/may/3/long-term-recidivism-studies-show-high-arrest-rates/#:~:text=Two%20reports%20on%20long%2Dterm,over%20an%20eight%2Dyear%20period.

The Social Order of the Underworld by David Skarbek:



#68: Maxwell Nee - Immigrant Pressure, Couch Surfing in Canada, and Coaching the World


#66: Juan Bedoya - Trafficking $150M of Cocaine a Year, Falling to Greed, and Surrendering to Faitβ€ͺh‬