Browness, World Travel , and the Artistic Experience #176 - Linda Vallejo | Creators


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Episode Description

Linda has experienced a lot. She’s traveled the world as an army brat, played piano and sung in Led Zeppelin's tour bus, explored drugs as an “X rated hippie”, and worked to understand her Latin American, Chicano, and Indigenous roots through her art. Through these various paintings, sculpture, and ceramic work Linda embraces her brownness and the world has taken notice. Her work has been shown globally in major galleries and museums, as well as Chicano and Latino spaces. Today, her artwork focuses on encouraging discussion surrounding how class, culture, and the color of our skin intersect, notably in her, “Make ‘Em All Mexican” pieces. But let’s look at where this all started and dive into Linda’s roots. Let's look back to where her family's story began, with her grandparents meeting while working on the railroads.

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