#118: Erik Rosete - The Runway, $150,000 for 10 Minutes, & Redefining LA Fashion Week: Art Hearts Fashion


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Episode Description

Erik Rosete started off as one of those marching band kids — always on the outside looking into the school, the world, and eventually, himself. He observes, learns, and survives in high school as an outsider who isolates himself. But that wasn’t everything. He had a dream: a dream where he puts on the most fabulous fashion show that surprises everyone. And that’s how he navigated his life. Erik found himself later in his life composing a song-like dream that he would spend the rest of his life chasing. The opportunities and disappointments come and go, but Erik knew that he needed to focus on the present, the small things in life that he has succeeded in, and stop letting minor inconveniences decide the course of his life and his mentality. And that’s how he came to Art Hearts Fashion.

Show Notes:

  • Highschool: Erik found himself to be an outsider band kid in his new high school.

  • Extreme Sports: Erik decided to become a “groupie” with the figure skating team.

  • Model Manager: Erik started to scout and help with his best friend’s model career.

  • IMG: Erik found himself successful in pitching for both Sarah and himself.

  • End Of Friendship: Erik had to face falling out with his best friend because of their different values in life.

  • Athlete Model: Erik was offered the opportunity to become a manager but had to face the disappointments afterwards.

  • Art Hearts Fashion: Erik put on the most successful event in New York Fashion Week.

  • Miami: Erik had a huge success at Miami regardless of the sabotages and disappointments that came his way.

  • Synchronicity: Erik recognized the importance of the little pieces that make up the larger puzzle.

  • Advice: Erick decided to focus on his own platform as of right now and gave some advice.

Erik's LinkedIn

Art Hearts Fashion

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