Boundless Mind: Dalton Combs


Today on the show we talk to Dalton Combs, founder of Boundless Mind, formally known as Dopamine Labs. Dalton has built a company that specializes in persuasion AI, a technology that shapes human behavior. I know what you are thinking: IRobot, The Matrix, Ex Machina, Terminator, death, and destruction. It initially seemed like pretty nefarious stuff to me as well. I was curious on two accounts. One I wanted to see the birthplace of our AI overloads and two I wanted to see who was behind such powerful technology. So, I went to the Boundless offices in Venice to talk to Dalton. There are a lot of interesting points in Dalton’s interview, as you’ll hear, but a theme of this podcast will be free will, and the ability of technology to destroy or cultivate our free will.


Soylent: Rob Rhinehart


The Hwood Group: John Terzian