Walking San Francisco's Grittiest Neighborhood #193 - Del Seymour | Code Tenderlion


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Episode Description

The Tenderloin is known as the grittiest neighborhood in San Francisco. From the high crime rate to the common drug use, most people wouldn’t be caught walking through after dark. But today Del is walking me through the streets of the Tenderloin and showing me his unique perspective. Before Del was a San Francisco community activist and the secular mayor of the Tenderloin, he was a drug user on these very streets for 18 years. Because of that unique experience, he’s intimately aware of how to bring real community issues to the local government. From the historic halls of Glide, to Code Tenderloin, an academy that teaches people how to code, to pivotal encounters with local figures like Pastor Joe, Del's mission is clear: to uplift the Tenderloin community through compassion, resourcefulness, and unwavering commitment.

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