#65: David Norman - From Hustling Heroin in Harlem to Graduating Columbia | The Drug Dealers Series (Part 2 of 4‪)‬


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Episode Description

In each episode, we’ve always examined the journey and mindset it takes to found a business or organization. Today, we stray from the norm as we sit with David Norman, the oldest graduate from Columbia University. Instead of looking at what it takes to create a company, we examine what it takes to cultivate something even more important: the self.

David Norman has been through an extraordinary, tumultuous journey of life. Growing up in the streets of Harlem to then facing childhood trauma, drug addictions, and incarcerations, David never thought he would be challenging his mind and graduating from one of the world’s most prestigious universities -- until he did.

You’ll discover that breaking tradition, cultivating the self, and examining the human condition are not too different from the lessons we learn founding a company. However, this story most certainly diverges from the rest. 

Show Notes

  • Growing Up: David grows up in Harlem where drug dealers and hustlers are revered as valuable members of the community. Without the presence of his parents and an educational system that could bolster his intelligence, David goes down the only path he sees around him.

  • Coping with Pain: In a life of dealing drugs, fighting, and robbing, David turns to alcohol and heroin to cope with the intensity of all the emotions he could not express.

  • Importance of Respect: The role models David had around him lead him further into the business of selling drugs. However, an incident with his father teaches him the importance of speaking up and gaining respect within the community.

  • Opportunity Behind Closed Doors: David gets arrested and sent behind bars for drug possession. However, with plenty of time to read and study, David dedicates himself to learning and growing. Would he use this as an opportunity to turn his life around?

  • Back to the Norm: Leaving prison with aspirations for a job and college education, David finds that the past comes back to haunt him, possibly erasing much of his hard-earned progress.

  • Stabbing: While working on the streets, David fatally stabs a man… over stolen socks. It seems that David has reached a point of no return.

  • A Second Chance: Facing incarceration again in a different decade, David finds prison to be a respite from the environmental challenges he faced in regular life. He learns and grows more than ever before, but would that translate back into life outside prison?

  • Columbia University: David takes the hard-earned opportunity to study at Columbia University, and finally fulfills his goal of going to college.

  • Advice: After facing many ups and downs along with intense introspection over the course of his life, David has a lot of lessons to share.

Links From the Episode

Columbia Article: https://gs.columbia.edu/news/david-normans-journey-incarceration-ivy-league

Learned Helplessness:


Harlem in the 60s and 70s (in pictures):



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